Louisa Rogers - Academic CV


Academic Posts 

Assistant Professor (Practice) - Northumbria University School of Designm, Arts and Creative Industries (2018-present) 

Modules taught at foundation and undergraduate level 

  • Module Lead: Fashion Insight and Innovation (FA5018) - Fashion technology, trend film production, scenario planning, consumer insight research, verbal pitching skills 

  • Module Lead: PR, Social Media and Brand (FA4013) - Campaign Planning, Storytelling in Marketing 

  • Introduction to Fashion Communication (FA4012) - Semiotics & Symbolism, Selfie Culture, Visual Research Methods, Professional Practice 

  • Film and Fashion Space (FA4011) - Visual Merchandising, Color Psychology in Branding, Brand Identities 

  • Graphic Promotion (DE9050) - Visual Storytelling & Narrative Marketing,  

  • Design Portfolio Skills (AD3032) - Qualitative Research Methods, Academic Writing Skills 

Modules taught at postgraduate level 

  • Luxury Brand Management Dissertation (AT7050)  - Supervising theses at postgraduate level

Academic Tutor, University of Sunderland School of Media and Communications (Maternity cover, sole lead lecturer - 2019) 

Modules taught at undergraduate level 

  • Style Icons and Subcultures (MED238)  - Fashion History (18-19th Century), 20th Century Fashion, History of Fashion Media, Global Subcultures, Celebrities & Influencers, The Future of Fashion, 

  • Fashion Styling and Editorial (MED239, MED339) – Organizing a Fashion Shoot, Visual Research for Industry, Visual Merchandising,  

Associate Lecturer, Newcastle University School of Arts and Culture (2018-2020) 

Modules taught at postgraduate level 

  • Arts as Enterprise – Freelancing in Arts and Culture (MCH8028) 

  • Independent Working in Arts, Media and Culture (MCH8029) 


MRes Design. Northumbria University School of Design. Expected graduation date: Dec 2023

MA Arts, Business & Creativity.  Newcastle University. 2016. Academic Prize: Best Student on the MA Arts, Business and Creativity Program - Issued by Newcastle University Business School, December 2016. 

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. 2015.

Foundation Diploma: Fashion Photography & Styling. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. 2012-2014.

Research areas of interest 

  • Fashion imagery as rhetoric 

  • The body in fashion photography 

  • Militarized narratives in contemporary fashion 

  • Convergence culture and digital memes 

  • TikTok trends and identity construction 

Published Articles

Rogers, L.G. (2021). TikTok Teens: Turbulent identities for turbulent times. Film, Fashion & Consumption, 10(2), pp.377–400. doi:10.1386/ffc_00031_1. 

Invited Conference Presentations 

Fashion Lab Seminar Series 2022 'Catalyst Conversations'; Presenting preliminary research materials for "Make Love Not War". Northumbria University School of Design. Newcastle, UK.

Media in America/America in Media Conference March 2023; Presenting ‘War in Vogue: Militarized Bodies and The War on Terror’, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Lublin, Poland.

Other awards/certifications 

Nominee for the Northumbria University Excellence in Teaching Award - 2019 & 2023

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Accelerator Cohort Graduates 2021 

Newcastle University Start-Up Awards - Scale-Up of the Year. Issued by Newcastle University, May 2018. 

University of Leiden Short Courses – Terrorism and Counterterrorism; Theory and Practice  

North-East Finalist for "Creative Industries Entrepreneur of the Year" and "Young Entrepreneur of the Year." Great British Entrepreneurs Award – Issued by Natwest, July 2019 

Shortlisted for Young Entrepreneur of the Year (North East UK) 2018 – National Small Business Awards. Issued by Federation of Small Businesses, January 2018 

Semi-Finalist Thinking Digital Start-Up Competition - Issued by Thinking Digital Conference, May 2017 

Shortlisted Finalist for the If We Can You Can Challenge - Issued by If We Can You Can, November 2016. 

Academic Prize: Best Student on the MA Arts, Business and Creativity Program - Issued by Newcastle University Business School, December 2016.