Louisa Rogers - Academic CV
Academic Posts
Assistant Professor (Practice) - Northumbria University School of Designm, Arts and Creative Industries (2018-present)
Modules taught at foundation and undergraduate level
Module Lead: Fashion Insight and Innovation (FA5018) - Fashion technology, trend film production, scenario planning, consumer insight research, verbal pitching skills
Module Lead: PR, Social Media and Brand (FA4013) - Campaign Planning, Storytelling in Marketing
Introduction to Fashion Communication (FA4012) - Semiotics & Symbolism, Selfie Culture, Visual Research Methods, Professional Practice
Film and Fashion Space (FA4011) - Visual Merchandising, Color Psychology in Branding, Brand Identities
Graphic Promotion (DE9050) - Visual Storytelling & Narrative Marketing,
Design Portfolio Skills (AD3032) - Qualitative Research Methods, Academic Writing Skills
Modules taught at postgraduate level
Luxury Brand Management Dissertation (AT7050) - Supervising theses at postgraduate level
Academic Tutor, University of Sunderland School of Media and Communications (Maternity cover, sole lead lecturer - 2019)
Modules taught at undergraduate level
Style Icons and Subcultures (MED238) - Fashion History (18-19th Century), 20th Century Fashion, History of Fashion Media, Global Subcultures, Celebrities & Influencers, The Future of Fashion,
Fashion Styling and Editorial (MED239, MED339) – Organizing a Fashion Shoot, Visual Research for Industry, Visual Merchandising,
Associate Lecturer, Newcastle University School of Arts and Culture (2018-2020)
Modules taught at postgraduate level
Arts as Enterprise – Freelancing in Arts and Culture (MCH8028)
Independent Working in Arts, Media and Culture (MCH8029)
MRes Design. Northumbria University School of Design. Expected graduation date: Dec 2023
MA Arts, Business & Creativity. Newcastle University. 2016. Academic Prize: Best Student on the MA Arts, Business and Creativity Program - Issued by Newcastle University Business School, December 2016.
BA (Hons) Fashion Photography. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. 2015.
Foundation Diploma: Fashion Photography & Styling. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. 2012-2014.
Research areas of interest
Fashion imagery as rhetoric
The body in fashion photography
Militarized narratives in contemporary fashion
Convergence culture and digital memes
TikTok trends and identity construction
Published Articles
Rogers, L.G. (2021). TikTok Teens: Turbulent identities for turbulent times. Film, Fashion & Consumption, 10(2), pp.377–400. doi:10.1386/ffc_00031_1.
Invited Conference Presentations
Fashion Lab Seminar Series 2022 'Catalyst Conversations'; Presenting preliminary research materials for "Make Love Not War". Northumbria University School of Design. Newcastle, UK.
Media in America/America in Media Conference March 2023; Presenting ‘War in Vogue: Militarized Bodies and The War on Terror’, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Lublin, Poland.
Other awards/certifications
Nominee for the Northumbria University Excellence in Teaching Award - 2019 & 2023
Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Accelerator Cohort Graduates 2021
Newcastle University Start-Up Awards - Scale-Up of the Year. Issued by Newcastle University, May 2018.
University of Leiden Short Courses – Terrorism and Counterterrorism; Theory and Practice
North-East Finalist for "Creative Industries Entrepreneur of the Year" and "Young Entrepreneur of the Year." Great British Entrepreneurs Award – Issued by Natwest, July 2019
Shortlisted for Young Entrepreneur of the Year (North East UK) 2018 – National Small Business Awards. Issued by Federation of Small Businesses, January 2018
Semi-Finalist Thinking Digital Start-Up Competition - Issued by Thinking Digital Conference, May 2017
Shortlisted Finalist for the If We Can You Can Challenge - Issued by If We Can You Can, November 2016.
Academic Prize: Best Student on the MA Arts, Business and Creativity Program - Issued by Newcastle University Business School, December 2016.